Thursday, March 12, 2015

Soul Crusher

Here's a little update....after sulking all day on Tuesday and hating my life, I went to bed. I woke up and got a hair cut. I plan on getting a massage next week and guess what? I don't really hate life anymore. Sure, it sucks. Being turned down will always suck. However, I will keep thinking about the upside to everything. There's always more chances and more auditions, I don't have to wear the fur and I might still be offered another role. There are some jobs...or rolls as they call them, that I would love to have down there. One girl said "at least I'll be down there." When I think about it, it's true! She will still get to go down there and spend a few months surrounded by the happiest place on Earth. That opens a huge door.

Now I should explain that I'm not trying to be bitter. There are some things I don't understand about that audition. There will always be things you don't understand. You could've killed the one in your life and if you're not what they're looking for....that's that. It helps that I knew I wasn't going to be a princess or anything. I wouldn't say I'm fat, but I'm a size 11 (or so, you know those weird in between sizes. That's me). However, to be a character at Disney? Come on now. I read somewhere that most of the princesses are a size 2 or 4 and that there is a few that are size 6. If you read their website is does say height is the most important, but there's no reason to not face that facts on that one.

Anyways, so I sulked and was fine. Until practice that night. Watching is starting to get more annoying than anything. I want to get back up and start skating again. At least until they need their knee taps. That's still scaring the crap out of me. I'm not sure if I'm in the right mental state to do that now.

I did stay after and started to NSO. Non-skating official. I had to sit, so I was put in the penalty box. Sit with a stop watch, as soon as your color (depending on what side of the box you're sitting on and what side of the track the girls are on) sits down the timer starts. They sit for 20 seconds then you say color, number and stand. They stand and after ten more seconds (so they're there for 30 seconds total) you say color, number and done. Then they go back on the track. Next week we get to learn how to do paper work for the box as well. There are more jobs as well like penalty tracker and score keeper. Everyone keeps saying it's one of the best ways to learn how to play the game and just learn the game in general. So for now, that's what I will do.

My spirits? Keeping them as high as possible. You will hear a million "no's" before you get a "yes"....that one yes is all that matters.

Oh and for anyone who is wondering....soul crusher is a derby term. It's part of a strategy. One jammer knocks the other out of play and goes as far back on the track as she can causing the one that was knocked out to enter behind the one who knocked her out. Pretty much it makes the one who got knocked out have to skate further before entering to play again. It's a lot easier to see.

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