Monday, March 16, 2015

Clarissa Explains It All: Update

Clearly I've been watching too much Amazon Prime lately...aka nothing, but Clarissa Explains It All. Really though, who doesn't love the 90's?  I didn't go to derby practice yesterday. I was debating if I should have gone anyways, but then I didn't wake up until there went that.
--------just saying though, waking up that late is amazing!----------

On our Facebook page some people posted that they were unable to make it to practice and asked what we did. Let me tell you...that wasn't the practice to miss. They learned an amazing amount of new things that I don't even know what half of the crap is. I know the 180 knee taps and that's about it.

I am feeling like this ankle thing will never heal...even though it lame is that? 
I'm pretty sure I'm just going crazy from being in my house so much and yet I still don't want to do anywhere. 

On the Disney front: I got out of submission for a call center job!!! For anyone that doesn't know this is how Disney find a job to want to apply for and apply for it online. Within minutes (most of the time) you're put in to  two groups, submission or no longer in consideration. How they do that...I don't know. After that you'll be in progress, then pre and post interview, then you'll find out if you got the job or not! ---the DCP is a little different, you're just submission then in progress the whole time-- 

Anyways, a few weeks ago I was just playing around and thought "WHY NOT?!" and applied for a few different jobs at Disney, one being in the call center. A few days ago I was on my dashboard and I got out of submission! Even if I don't make it any further I think it's pretty awesome that I even got out of submission for a REAL Disney job! 

In the meantime...I'm still waiting to hear about the DCP. I feel terrible because some people are still in submission for that. Come on Disney!

Vocab time!:
180 knee taps: tap your knee down, turn 180 and get back up, all while still moving as fast as possible. It's used to turn around quickly during game play if you get knocked down.....yeah...sounds easy...sure. 

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