Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Missing Someone

This is a post I've been thinking about for a while.
It's all about missing someone, but not just anyone.

Lately I've been thinking about the people in your life that you're so happy they're gone. Your life was changed because of them--some days it's for the better and some days it's not.

How about when someone new comes into your life?

Things seemingly get better and you think about the other person less and less.
Of course, most of the time, you can't avoid them forever.

So...what do you do then?

Not too long ago I thought about a person who is no longer in my life (for the better). However, thinking about them made me stop. Why was I thinking about them? Did I miss them? Why?

It made me think about my boyfriend as well. Does he think about people in his past? People he says he hates, but he could still think about them...right? I am a jealous person, even if I try not to be. I think about others, even when I don't mean to, so how can I be so jealous of him thinking about others?

Does anyone else do this? Like seriously.

I'm fine and dandy and my life is great then BAM, that stupid random person pops in your head or on facebook or some random way and you look at them and think about that moment when you were actually happy being around them.

Don't get me wrong, I would never cheat. I would've even think about cheating. However, my mind just races away with weird thoughts of the past. Once I come to...well I realize that the person in the past is there for a reason. They're in the past for a reason. That's always so important for a reason.

If people are meant to be in your life they will be. I try to believe  that things happen for a reason, some times that is easier said than done, but I do try. I'm sure most people do. However, it's not fair when you think about someone you really don't want to. Yes, I understand life isn't fair, but it doesn't really make things easier.

So, long story short. Why do I do this?! Please tell me I'm not the only one.
The past can stay in the past any time now. KTHX!

1 comment:

  1. Malice, I totally do this all the time. And it's just perhaps a memory that floats back into your brain. Don't be ashamed about it. It's natural. You can be happy and relive that nice moment in your mind but when it comes down to it you know that it is in fact in the past and staying there. You're happy with your boyfriend now and you know that it what you're going to focus on. So don't fret about it.
    Love you girl. xoxo
