Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy Holidays.

Well, since it's the holidays I feel like I need a simple and happy post. Life has been crazy the past few weeks and it has made me realize just how lucky I am.

Sure, I still will have days when I'll forget how lucky I am, or I'll still feel alone in my world, but deep down I know I can never forget.

I wrote about the power of social of media. Long story short, that's still going on. I'm pretty sure if you really wanted to get something done, all you have to do is fine the right person to talk too. Social media can make or break you in a matter of a few seconds...even less time than that. So always keep that in mind when you posting a status on Facebook or even a simple blog post.
No matter, I'm still happy and proud of myself for all that I've done...and to think...it's all been done via Twitter.

My boyfriend...my sweet...sweet...kind heart-ed man. I always knew I was lucky to have him. As soon as we started dating I knew I was lucky. A sexy Irish firefighter, who I got to call mine, was just that....mine. However, I'll be the first to admit the whole firefighter thing got old, quickly. Yes, I support him and yes, I love that he wants to serve and protect. (haha..I found that way too funny). However, I also saw what it has done to him. I'm very lucky he's still alive, I'm very lucky he's still got his spirit...but most of all, I'm glad he's mine. He has taken care of me, he's hung around my friends and he has gone beyond his "call of duty" as a boyfriend. He also puts up with all of my crap and anyone who does that is just simply awesome.

All of my co-workers. I walked into work and my mailbox and desk was covered in gifts, cards and food all celebrating the holiday...well Christmas. I celebrate Christmas, so whatever you would like to call it is fine, but that's what I do. So just saying. Santa, snow men and glitter are all covering my desk. Everyone in the office has been so wonderful. I've been fighting off this weird cold thing and for the second time in almost five years, I called off work the other day...everyone has been asking if I'm okay and checking in on me. We do cards for people, get well cards, happy birthday cards, almost anything you can think of cards, and it is all amazing. Plus...they keep complimenting my outfit...so who doesn't love that! Ego boost! (not to cover all the other wonderful things we do for each other).

All around, I get to say I'm lucky. I'm lucky for my cat, all his wonderful cuddles when he just knows, I'm lucky for my family for dealing with me and putting up with me, I guess same goes for my friends, but honestly, life hasn't gone the way I thought it would, but as the holidays come and 2015 is about to end, I get to say I'm happy and luckily.

Things might not be perfect, but I have so much to be happy and thankful for. I only hope everyone else can find the same things in life.

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